Sambungan from previous post. This happened on end of August. My colleague invite me twice to wellness event and I reject him. During the event..I turn off my HP to avoid him. Sorry Kenny..Because I already skeptical on slimming or lose weight products on that time. With me slimming products in M'sia tak sedap, I tak enjoy consume it and not effective with me. My friends said do exercise. Yes, I did. At the end lagi besar ade lar..sbb nyer after exercise kita rasa lapar dan makan apa? Anda fikir lar sendiri..beb!.
For the third time I follow my friend to the event. Nak jaga hati kawan punye pasal. Bring my wife as well, sebab she also nak reshape body. Event start 1.30pm. Ramai jugak yang datang. Crowded beb! Intresting is during Product Testimonial Before and After. I really tertarik with this one guy name HariChandran. He is big..bigger than me. He can reshape and look younger and new person. Memang susah nak happened. Bawah nie pic before and after HariChandran. Amazing kan. He really inspire me.
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